Getting around to learning Bootstrap! Updating Website soon :D

Welcome to my homepage!


Born and raised in Los Angeles, CA; I graduated from UCLA with a degree in Statistics. Prior to that, I studied at Pasadena City College, a community college nestled in the San Gabriel Mountains majoring in Mathematics, Physics, Natural Sciences, and Engineering. Towards the end of my Bachelor's I realized that I actually enjoyed coding and enrolled at Golden West and Orange Coast College. I really enjoyed the Web Design courses I took, which I'm using to build this website! I also took an introductory Java course and created my first GUI application using JavaFX.

That doesn't mean I didn't enjoy Statistics. The best part of the major is studying data to create visuals to communicate to the audience. A picture is worth a thousand words and data doesn't inherently lie. It's up to the statistician to make use of their tools to ensure proper measures have been considered. I hope my future ends in the intersection of Statistics and CS. To that end, I will continue the CS sequence at Foothill College through their online curriculum.

When I'm not at work or studying, you can catch me playing my Nintendo Switch. I also enjoy drawing, although I haven't had a chance to sit down and doodle in quite some time. I'm still working on the kinks on my website, but the Projects and Resume pages will be up soon.


photo of my webpage in mobile format

My Personal Website

Putting to use the basic HTML/CSS I learned in one semester, I built my website from scratch. Some bits of the code also came from the w3schools CSS tutorial, an excellent resource I used during my classes.

  • Basic HTML document structure
  • CSS selectors
  • Media Queries
Challenges/Need to work on: Making the webpage responsive
Technologies used: HTML5, CSS3, GitHub
photo of my java proj in gif

Baron Paint

One of the final project choices for CS 153 Java Programming, Introduction at Golden West College. This minamalist version of Paint allows sprites to be drawn onto the canvas and allows users to clear or undo these actions. It was programmed using the Model-View-Controller architecture(MVC).

  • Java OOP
  • MVC Model
  • GUI Application
Challenges/Need to work on: Add more functions that would bring it closer to the actual Paint, ex. save, drag brush, eraser.
Technologies used: Java, JavaFX, Java Scenebuilder, CSS3